Happy Thanksgiving



And a happy Thanksgiving to you! Today I am overwhelmed by gratitude. Mostly, my heart is full of love for my 4 new family members (Jared [J-Bear], Conner, Peyton, and Avery). I have been thinking about both the wedding and the big baby birthday all year and to know they are all finally a part of my life in an especially meaningful way leaves me speechless. Speechlessness is a slightly foreign concept for me, but I am learning to embrace it.

I am thankful for my beautiful family, my health, all my wonderful friends, a warm home, food on my table, and a whole host of riches for which I feel continually blessed to have. I am thankful for a cozy bed, warm coffee in the morning, big bowls of pasta, a cozy scarf, movie night, pizza, and more decadent luxuries. It’s so easy to take the wonders in our life for granted. I am grateful for today—a chance to celebrate family, love, and time together.

I wish you the best time with your family and friends, or whomever you choose to share your precious time with today. I am so thankful to be surrounded by my loved ones on this magical Thanksgiving day.

Lastly, I am thankful for another year in the world. Today is my 26th birthday and I feel pretty good about where I am in my life. I’m looking forward to see where this next year is going—I have a tingly feeling it’s going to be pretty awesome.


Happy Thanksgiving, friends!!


2 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving

  1. We are looking forward to good food and family at Joe & Susan’s on the Saturday after thanksgiving. It should be fun. It is a day of great thankfulness for all we have and are allowed by God to share with others. I am so thankful to share words and time with you even though I don’t do it often enough. I wish you and Adam the best birthdays and of course many more to come. God bless and love to you both.
    Aunt Sharon

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