

Conner and Mason eating Thanksgiving Dinner. Nom!


A yawning baby? mmyes please.


Baby Avery. Can you even handle this hand-on-chin action? Me neither. Currently losing my mind over how adorable this beauty is.


The new dad Matt, my dad aka Pop Pop, and Mason and Conner. What lucky babes.


Skeptical Baby: “Excuse me, did anyone even ask if I was ready to go home??”

Well if the photographic montage is evidence enough of their majesty then I don’t know what will please you. They are so tiny and magical and wonderful and I love them. Like, to pieces. As if I weren’t hurting enough being so far away from my closest family and friends, the arrival of these little gems has twisted the knife just a little more.

Matt and Courtney are already doing such a great job as parents. I was so impressed by the way they picked up moves so quickly and learned so much about their precious babes. They are going to be stellar parentals. But, there is no one quite like Aunt Teeny ; )

The Mother We Share

Umm, have you heard this song? I am continually losing my mind over it.



I mean, that baby wandering around what looks like the prairie lands? Genius for a music video, amIright? Even if it’s not, it’s at least entertaining in a pretty neat way.

Video aside, that song is body-gyratingly good. One cannot help but forget about other distractions (except when you’re driving–the road and other cars aren’t really distractions, yo) when this tune comes on. It’s the perfect mix of synth, syncopation, and solid vocals.

Listen to it and think of me. I promise you won’t be disappointed.


Happy Thanksgiving



And a happy Thanksgiving to you! Today I am overwhelmed by gratitude. Mostly, my heart is full of love for my 4 new family members (Jared [J-Bear], Conner, Peyton, and Avery). I have been thinking about both the wedding and the big baby birthday all year and to know they are all finally a part of my life in an especially meaningful way leaves me speechless. Speechlessness is a slightly foreign concept for me, but I am learning to embrace it.

I am thankful for my beautiful family, my health, all my wonderful friends, a warm home, food on my table, and a whole host of riches for which I feel continually blessed to have. I am thankful for a cozy bed, warm coffee in the morning, big bowls of pasta, a cozy scarf, movie night, pizza, and more decadent luxuries. It’s so easy to take the wonders in our life for granted. I am grateful for today—a chance to celebrate family, love, and time together.

I wish you the best time with your family and friends, or whomever you choose to share your precious time with today. I am so thankful to be surrounded by my loved ones on this magical Thanksgiving day.

Lastly, I am thankful for another year in the world. Today is my 26th birthday and I feel pretty good about where I am in my life. I’m looking forward to see where this next year is going—I have a tingly feeling it’s going to be pretty awesome.


Happy Thanksgiving, friends!!


Once, Twice, Three Times a Baby



This past Saturday our clan experienced a surge in family members. My brother Matt and his beautiful wife Courtney welcomed three tiny babies into the world. I’ve been hesitant to say anything on the blog because of how exciting and precarious the whole adventure of having triplets is. It just felt like news I wanted to hold on to and protect. But now…

I want to shout it from the rooftops!!! I am SO excited to be an aunt yet again to a new litter of kiddos. Conner Peyton, Mason Davis, and Avery Reese are my new tiniest best friends and I could not be more elated to have them in our lives. Matt and Courtney have been phenomenal these past several months and I know they are over the moon with love and joy right now. I can’t wait to burst in on their hospital party tomorrow when I finally make my way back to Kansas City.

All day yesterday, in betwixt working on stupid homework, I would just say their names out loud and smile while I gazed out the window. They are finally here after months of waiting for their grand entrance. I still cannot wrap my head around these mini miracles. Right now they are having a super casual dance party in the NICU based on their early arrival, but I have no doubt they will soon be running the world.

I can’t wait to meet these magical little ones. I love you, babies.



I’m doing battle with school this week. Nothing is new. I would say we are certainly in the final quarter of the game. Not quite the two-minute warning. Certainly can’t hear the buzzer ringing. OK, better stop with the sports analogies before I sprain something. (By the way, did you see this?)

I do have a song for you though. Apparently this song is connected with the show The Walking Dead? Can anyone confirm this? I don’t watch shows that make me want to pee my pants in fright (well, sometimes Breaking Bad makes me super angsty), so I cannot say. I heard it from one of Jack’s Ultimate Playlists and hadn’t listened to it in forever until yesterday. I forgot how stinkin’ cool it is. It’s a jam that you just want to turn up and maybe rock your head around to. Definitely suggest it when you are feeling moody and broody.


Adam and I are celebrating our birthdays this weekend. Mine is on Thanksgiving this year and Mr. Adam’s is next Saturday. We have plans for a romantical dinner at Fulton Five, a charming Italian restaurant that has been named the “Most Romantic Restaurant in Charleston” for, like, the last 15 years. Should be snazzy.


What are you doing this weekend? Anything magnificent?



By the way, I have some seriously thrilling news I CANNOT WAIT to share with you on Monday. I mean, just get ready for this.


Weekend Beers








The weather in Charleston has been spectacular. Minus yesterday and today, the temperatures have been happily sitting in the lower 70s and upper 60s. It’s glorious to experience a comfortable outdoor November. Last Saturday Adam and I strolled around downtown before hitting a sweet birthday party in the afternoon. We couldn’t resist beers at Kudu in their charming courtyard. A little Coffee News trivia was in order as well.


“Is This Thing On?”

It’s good to be back. At least for a few minutes.

While I don’t have a hoard of funky fresh material for you, I do have some funny images to share. The only pictures I took from the wedding were of the bridesmaids getting ready before the main event. I literally don’t even have one of my sister and I in our fancy clothes. I was pretty much too excited about everything to think about snapping the shutter. So, someday, when I collect images from other folks I will be more than happy to post them. Until then let’s just look at these memes that made me laugh.


Happy Friday!!








Thanks for playing, y’all. Let’s count on some more fascinating stuff next week, yeah?


All images via Tastefully Offensive