Modern Times

Do you also love “Modern Family”? If so, we should hang out more. If you can’t make it over here to watch the show (bring past seasons on DVD if you have them, please), at least watch this clip of Lily being a little monster that was shown at the Emmys last Sunday. Remember that one time when Lily didn’t talk at all on the show and it was kind of great? Well, this clip just made me love the more animated version of her a little more.


You’re welcome, by the way.

See Kristina.

See Kristina post.

See Kristina post at regular intervals.



I promised a few more photos from our sailing excursion last weekend and here they are in SUPER jazzed up form! Adam turned some of the best photos from the weekend into an exciting little video. I personally love the one that pops up around 0:15. So magical. The whole montage just screams Ralph Lauren ad and I love it.

Be sure to adjust the quality to 720p HD for best results of awesomeness.



I wish I could go back and do it all again. Le sigh.



Yes, Captain

This past weekend Adam’s family was in town and I cannot think of a better Saturday afternoon than the one we spent together sailing through the Charleston Harbor. After spending 8 days house-sitting with a reckless teenager—days that included catching her sneaking out at night, smelling her smoking “the herb” in her room, and finding her pants-less with her beaufriend—I needed a wee bit of a break from the universe.

This was it.

Low 80s and sunny, perfect breeze for sailing and plenty of champagne and snacks. Living. the. dream.

Here are a few photos taken by Adam’s sister. Hope to share more with you soon!






I am Here

Barely.   Dramatic, I know.


I also wish Atticus would hold me.


I feel a bit like I’m stumbling around–I’m definitely disoriented. For the last several days I have been house-sitting, dog-sitting, and “babysitting” a 16 year old. I have been eating weird frozen meals, picking up dog poop (both in the park and on the Oriental rug), and listening to rap music on the radio, WHICH I HATE.  I hate the radio. I hate it so much.


I feel scatter-brained, mostly because I am off my schedule. I’m like a baby in that I really need a schedule to be high-functioning. It’s needy and slightly neurotic, but it doesn’t make it any less true. This all just serves to excuse my blog abandonment. I want so badly to have meaningful things to say, but I’m too busy blaming the teenager I’m living with right now for giving me a massive zit on my chin. Being a high schooler is the pits. Hrumpf!


Alas, I am here. Doin’ my thang, making it happen. Obscure reference, obscure reference. See you soon.


image via

Brain Break

I am “literature-ally” overwhelmed right meow. Just have one or two things on my plate, but all things considered, I’m doing well. Turned in my first paper yesterday and gave my first presentation of the year and we are moving right along.

I do need the odd brain break every now and again, because it can’t just be Song of Solomon all the time. Or maybe it can, but I hope it’s not because I need to laugh sometimes too. And not just at other people’s pain or misfortune.
::throat clearing::

Obviously I have been spending a lot of time reading and writing alone since even electronic conversations are stilted and difficult for me to carry on right

now. That said, I want to pass along this monstrously funny article from The New Yorker that Mindy Kaling wrote forever ago (or really only a year ago). A similar essay appeared in her memoir, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, that I tried to convince you all to read a while ago. Here is another push for that plea, and this time I’m even including a little literary snack to entice you: “‘Flick Chicks'”: A Guide to Women in the Movies.


Ohhh, it’s funny. So good for the mind when it is weary.




image via A Cup of Jo

The Brass Menagerie





Pedro the Donkey is the latest addition to to my small animal figurine collections (he is also the only one with a name, so if you have any ideas I’m open to suggestions [keep in mind I also have a pet volcanic rock from Thailand called Toby]). My flock of miniature honey-hued creatures began in earnest last summer during a visit to a particularly  fruitful visit to one of Kansas City’s massive flea markets. The elephant, it can be said, was my gateway drug. Now I have a petting zoo. I didn’t even include the inquisitive owl who lives at Adam’s, which I picked up at a Charleston antique market. Just trying to keep up some semblance of normality.


Adam actually got me Pedro–he recently arrived from the magical land of Wisconsin by way of Etsy. And I love him. Looks like this obsession interest isn’t waning away any time soon.



On the Record

The byline may be missing, but the interviewing skills are all there.


Check out my mad question and answer session with the owner and sommelier of Social Restaurant + Wine Bar, Brad Ball, over at The Local Palate’s blog. It’s more or less cutting edge.


P.S. I’m stupidly swamped right now so this kind of blogging will be the tempo around here for a bit. Also, after last night’s British Contemporary Fiction class and our examination of metafiction and the British text, I am pretty sure I need to re-learn English. #facemeltingoffbecauseIamsoexhaustedandoutofmyleague. Oh yeah, I’m obviously not on Twitter.